
for you 365 days a year

Village of the year 2023 logo.

Pellinge offers a variety of activities for nature lovers, from hiking and cycling along the many trails crisscrossing the island to fishing and boating.

Welcome, become one of us!

The island has a permanent population of about 250 people and many part-time residents as well. Pellinge is an active archipelago and village community with a variety of services and events, and you are warmly welcome to be one of us. The island is surrounded by sparkling straits and rugged cliffs, creating a spectacular coastline. At sunset, the sky paints a palette of soft pastels, lending a magical atmosphere to the landscape.

Pellinge for the kids.
Companies located in Pellinge offer ersatile of services, e.g. installation of buoy weight.

We entrepreneurs are ready to fix most things

In Pellinge there are close to 40 different businesses at your disposal. We are specialists in what you need in the archipelago and offer a range of services in addition to products; everything from house building and renovations to excavation work, boat service, logging and more. Boat builders, mechanics, farmers, fishermen, merchants, guides, builders, chauffeurs, craftsmen, woodcutters, cooks, shipbuilders, gardeners and artists work in Pellinge, and many of them full-time all year round. We are happy that you use our services.