Market events on Pellinge

Beyond our summer market on Saturdays from May to September and Evening market on Wednesdays in July, we also arrange other market events such as Easter, Archipelago, Autumn and Christmas market. Here you can read more about our Easter, Archipelago, Autumn and Christmas market.

Easter market at Pellinki market place and Skärgårdshemmet

Easter market is held at Sandholmsudden (Pellinki marketplace) and Skärgårdshemmet in Österby.

Easter market Saturday 30th March 2024 11 am-2 pm

For sale:

  • fish delicacies
  • handicrafts and Easter decorations
  • pastries and cakes

Please note that cash is the most common payment method.

Pellinki market place, Santasaarentie 162, 07370 Pellinki
Skärgårdshemmet, Nyckelvikintie 5, 07370 Pellinki

Pellinge Easter market 2024.

Archipelago market

We’ll do it again, Archipelago Market at Pellinki market place during Pellinge dagarna (the Pellinki days)!

Archipelago market Saturday 6th July 2024 9 am-2 pm

For sale:

  • fish delicacies
  • vegetables
  • pastries and cakes
  • handicrafts
  • flowers

Please note that cash is the most common payment method.

Pellinge archipelago market

Sandholmsudden Autumn market

Traditional Autumn market will finish the summermarket season, since 1985.

Autumn market Saturday 21st September 2024 11 am-2 pm

For sale:

  • fish delicacies
  • vegetables
  • handicrafts
  • pastries and cakes

Please note that cash is the most common payment method.

Pellinge Autumn market

Christmas market at Pellinki market place and Skärgårdshemmet

Skärgårdsjul (Archipelago Christmas) is a collaboration involving a number of events, associations and entrepreneurs, since 2010.
Two Christmas Markets are arranged on this day, one indoors at Skärgårdshemmet in Österby and the other outdoors next to the sea at Sandholmsudden (Pellinki market place).

Christmas market Sunday 22th December 2024

For sale:

  • fish delicac
  • Christmas trees
  • handicrafts
  • pasteries and other Christmas delicacies

Please note that cash is the most common payment method.

Pellinki market place, Santasaarentie 162, 07370 Pellinki
Skärgårdshemmet, Nyckelvikintie 5, 07370 Pellinki

Pellinge Skärgårdsjul Saaristojoulu logo.